' In this example, LotusScript reads the contents of a
' comma-delimited ASCII file (c:¥123w¥work¥thenames.txt)
' into an array of RecType. RecType is a user-defined
' data type.
' c:¥123w¥work¥thenames.txt consists of the following:
' "Maria Jones", 12345
' "Roman Minsky", 23456
' "Joe Smith", 34567
' "Sal Piccio", 91234
Type RecType
empId As Double
employee As String
End Type
Dim arrayOfRecs() As RecType
' A dynamic array that will get sized to
' the number of lines in c:¥123w¥work¥thenames.txt
Dim txt As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
Dim countRec As Integer
' Get an unused file number so LotusScript can open a file.
fileNum% = FreeFile()
counter% = 0
Open "c:¥123w¥work¥thenames.txt" For Input As fileNum%
Do While Not EOF(fileNum%)
' Read each line of the file.
Line Input #fileNum%, txt$
' Increment the line count.
counter% = counter% + 1
' Return the file pointer to the beginning of the file.
Seek fileNum%, 1
' The file has counter number of lines in it, so
' arrayOfRecs() is defined with that number of elements.
ReDim arrayOfRecs(1 To counter%)
' Read the contents of the file into arrayOfRecs.
For countRec% = 1 To counter%
Input #fileNum%, arrayOfRecs(countRec%).employee$, _
Close fileNum%
Print arrayOfRecs(2).employee$ & " " arrayOfRecs(2).empId#
' Output:
' Roman Minsky 23456
'Examples using MIMEcharsetname
Open "EBCDIC.TXT" for output access write _
as ff CHARSET="ebcdic-us"
Open "UNICODE.TXT" for output access write _
as ff CHARSET="utf-16"
Open "ASCII.TXT" for output Access write _
as ff CHARSET="ascii"