例: Get ステートメント

Type PersonRecord
   empNumber As Integer
   empName As String * 20
End Type

Dim fileNum% As Integer
Dim fileName$ As String
Dim rec As PersonRecord
fileNum% = FreeFile()
fileName$ = "data.txt"
' Open a random file with record length equal to the
' size of the records in rec.
Open fileName$ For Random As fileNum% Len = Len(rec)
' Write a record at position 1.
rec.empNumber% = 123
rec.empName$ = "John Smith"
Put #fileNum%, 1, rec
' Write a record at position 2.
rec.empNumber% = 456
rec.empName$ = "Jane Doe"
Put #fileNum%, 2, rec
' Write a record at position 3.
rec.empNumber% = 789
rec.empName$ = "Jack Jones"
Put #fileNum%, , rec
' Rewind to the beginning of the file and print all records.
Seek fileNum%, 1
Do While Not EOF(fileNum%)
   Get #fileNum%, , rec
   Print rec.empNumber%; rec.empName$
   ' Get function automatically advances to the next record.
Close fileNum%
' Prints three records:
'  123 John Smith          
'  456 Jane Doe            
'  789 Jack Jones