例: Position property (NotesStream - LotusScript®)

次のエージェントは、選択されている文書の Body アイテムの内容をストリームに書き込み、読み込みが開始される前にストリームを始点 (0) に配置します。

Sub Initialize
  Dim session As NotesSession
  Dim db As NotesDatabase
  Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
  Dim doc As NotesDocument
  Dim stream As NotesStream
  Set session = New NotesSession
  Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
  Set dc = db.UnprocessedDocuments
  Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
  REM Create stream
  Set stream = session.CreateStream
  REM Write text of Body item to stream
  Call stream.WriteText(doc.GetItemValue("Body")(0))
  REM Reset position to beginning of stream
  stream.Position = 0
  REM Read text from stream
  Messagebox stream.ReadText(),, "Text read from stream"
End Sub