この Onselect イベントは、新しく選択された文書を検査し、作成された日付以後に文書が変更された場合、警告を出します。グローバル変数 lastCaretID は、文書が新しく選択されたかどうかを判別するときに使用されます。
REM Globals
Dim lastCaretID As Variant
lastCaretID = "000"
Sub Onselect(Source As Notesuiview)
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
caretNoteID$ = Source.CaretNoteID
If lastCaretID <> caretNoteID$ Then ' we only process if the highlighted row has changed
lastCaretID = caretNoteID$
noteID$ = "NT00000" + caretNoteID$
Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID( caretNoteID$ )
moddate$ = Strleft(doc.LastModified, " ") ' we only care about the date
createdate$ = Strleft(doc.Created, " ")
If moddate$ > createdate$ Then
Messagebox "This document has been modified since it was created",, _
"Modification alert"
End If
End If
End Sub