例: NotesDOMNodeList class

次の例は、NotesDOMNodeList を使用して一致したノードを検索する方法を示します。この例を含むエージェントについては、「例: GetAttribute method」を参照してください。

Sub getPersonDocs (node As NotesDOMElementNode)
  'node is the root element of the xml file
  Dim documentList As NotesDOMNodeList
  Dim nDocument As Integer  'number of <document> elements
  Dim i As Integer          'counter for documentList
  Dim child As NotesDOMNode
  Dim eNode As NotesDOMElementNode
  Dim n As Integer          'number of attributes
  If node.IsNull Then Exit Sub
  Set documentList = node.GetElementsByTagName ("document")
  nDocument = documentList.NumberOfEntries
  If nDocument = 0 Then Exit Sub  'no document elements in file
REM Check the child nodes of the root element
  Set child = node.FirstChild
  For i = 1 To nDocument
    While Not child.NodeName = "document"
      Set child = child.NextSibling
REM We found an element node named "document"
    If child.Attributes.NumberOfEntries > 0 Then
REM The node has attritubes
      Set eNode = child        'switch to element node
      For n = 1 To eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries
        If eNode.GetAttribute("form") = "Person" Then
REM The node has the correct attribute name and value
          Call getData (eNode)
        End If
    End If
REM Look for another Person document
    Set child = child.NextSibling
End Sub
Sub getData (node As Notesdomelementnode)
  'node is an element named "document"
  Dim itemList As NotesDOMNodeList
  Dim nItem As Integer      'number of <item> elements
  Dim i As Integer          'counter for itemList
  Dim child As NotesDOMNode
  Dim eNode As Notesdomelementnode
  Dim n As Integer          'number of attributes
  If node.IsNull Then Exit Sub
  Set itemList = node.GetElementsByTagName ("item")
  nItem = itemList.NumberOfEntries
  If nItem = 0 Then Exit Sub    'no item elements in node
REM Check the child nodes of this element
  Set child = node.FirstChild
  For i = 1 To nItem
    While Not child.NodeName = "item"
      Set child = child.NextSibling
REM We found an element node named "item"
    If child.Attributes.NumberOfEntries > 0 Then
REM The node has attritubes
      Set eNode = child      'switch to element node
      For n = 1 To eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries
REM Look for an attribute named "name"
REM Only one of the following matches will be found for this node
        If eNode.GetAttribute("name") = "FirstName" Then
          REM We found a matching attribute value
          domParser.Output (NL)
          Call writeData (eNode)
          n = eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries  'done with this node
        End If
        If eNode.GetAttribute("name") = "LastName" Then
          REM We found a matching attribute value
          domParser.Output (" ")
          Call writeData (eNode)
          domParser.Output (NL)
          n = eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries  'done with this node
        End If
        If eNode.GetAttribute("name") = "OfficePhoneNumber" Then
          REM We found a matching attribute value
          domParser.Output (" ")
          Call writeData (eNode)
          domParser.Output (NL)
          n = eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries  'done with this node
        End If
      Next    'continue searching for a matching attribute
    End If
REM Look for another matching item
    Set child = child.Nextsibling
End Sub