例: DateSep property

次の例が表示する日付国別設定は、日付形式の表示順 (日月年、月日年、年月日)、区切り記号、昨日、今日、明日を表すキーワードです。

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim international As NotesInternational
Set international = session.International
If international.IsDateDMY Then
  Messagebox "DMY",, "Format of date"
Elseif international.IsDateMDY Then
  Messagebox "MDY",, "Format of date"
Elseif international.IsDateYMD Then
  Messagebox "YMD",, "Format of date"
  Messagebox "Unknown",, "Format of date"
End If
Messagebox international.DateSep,, "Date separator"
Messagebox international.Yesterday & Chr(10) & _
international.Today & Chr(10) & _
international.Tomorrow ,, "Text of date keywords"