例: Add method

次の例は現在のデータベース内の文書から文書コレクションを作成します。このコレクションには、件名フィールドに「test」という語を含む文書だけを組み込みます。Add メソッドのパラメータには、NotesDocument を指定します。作成したコレクションはファイル filename にエクスポートします。

Sub Initialize
  Dim session As New NotesSession
  Dim db As NotesDatabase
  Dim stream As NotesStream
  Dim exporter As NotesDXLExporter
  Dim nc As NotesNoteCollection
  Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim c As Integer
  Dim doc As NotesDocument
  Dim subj As Variant
  Dim filename As String  
  REM Create an empty note collection
  REM from the current database
  Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
  path$ = "c:¥dxl¥"
  filename$ = Left(db.FileName, Len(db.FileName) - 3) & "dxl"
  filename$ = path$ & filename$
  Set nc = db.CreateNoteCollection(False)
  Call nc.BuildCollection
  c = nc.Count
  REM Search for specific documents
  Set dc = db.AllDocuments
  Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
  While Not (doc Is Nothing)
    subj = doc.GetItemValue("Subject")
    If Not findTest(subj(0))(0) = 0 Then
      REM Modify the collection
      Call nc.Add(doc)
    End If
    Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument(doc)

 REM Export note collection as DXL
  Set stream = session.CreateStream
  If Not stream.Open(filename) Then
    Messagebox "Cannot open " & filename,, "Error"
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Call stream.Truncate
  Set exporter = session.CreateDXLExporter(nc, stream)
  Call exporter.Process
  If nc.Count - c > 0 Then
    Messagebox Cstr(nc.Count-c) & " documents added", , _
  End If
End Sub

Function findTest(value As String)
  findTest = Evaluate( "@Contains (""" _
  + Ucase$(value) _
  + """; """ _
  + "TEST"+""") ")
End Function